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Gablonzer Christmas trees

Art & Antiques Edler – Singerstraße 26A, 1010 Vienna

With the start of the autumn season, you will find classic Christmas ornaments in the Gablonz style in our collection. The magnificently sparkling Christmas trees are carefully crafted using traditional artisanal techniques. Discover these traditional items and learn more about their history and craftsmanship.

The Origins of Gablonzer Christmas Ornaments

The production of Gablonzer Christmas ornaments began around the year 1550 in Gablonz, in what is today the Czech Republic, which at that time belonged to the Sudetenland. Colored glass was used from the outset not only for practical purposes but was quickly discovered as a decorative element.

By the end of the 18th century, jewelry designers in Gablonz experienced a positive development. Glass beads as well as imitations of precious and colored stones from Gablonz became internationally sought-after commodities. The city evolved into a center for costume jewelry production. Especially after World War I, the demand for Gablonz jewelry increased unexpectedly, leading to a significant economic boom for the region.

Meticulous craftsmanship

Each Gablonz Christmas tree is crafted with great care and attention to detail.

The sparkling glass details of the Gablonz Christmas trees bring a festive atmosphere to any room. The colored glass reflects the light in a unique way, creating a magical mood. Whether as a central decoration piece or as a magnificent detail on the holiday table, this ornament attracts everyone's attention.

A photo of Gablonzer Christmas starts on a white pillow

Gablonzer Jewelry from Antiques Edler

Since the demand for Gablonz Christmas ornaments is high and their production time-consuming, these ornaments are exclusive and available in limited quantities.

We look forward to personally presenting these unique artworks to you.

Art & Antiques Edler

Singerstraße 26A

1010 Vienna

Opening hours:

Mon. - Fri. 10:30 AM - 6:00 PM

Sat. 10:00 AM - 1:00 PM

Feel free to contact us for more information or to schedule an appointment. We are here to assist you with advice and support.